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Le Cabaret Tziganes de Paris

3, Rue de Liege



Dearest Carol,

This was where the girl sang in “Arch

of Triumph.” We came here the night of my

birthday. Thanks loads for your letters - I

certainly do enjoy them. Sorry all I have

time for is a postcard. We’re leaving

Nov. 15th so count me in on the Christmas

party. We’ll be staying at dad, and mothers

until we find a place to live - this time we

think an apt. In the city is best, so if you hear

of a good one, let mother know. I don’t

know how fast these postcards travel - we

may be home by the time you receive this

Lots of love, Corime

Card #1 (print)

SKU: 366615376135191

    ©2021 Sam Turner Chapin

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